Saturday, May 24, 2014

Creating a Critical Thinking environment.

1.    Students share in the responsibility for classroom environment
§  cooperative learning techniques
§  group or class discussion leaders
§  project-based learning

2.    Teachers model thinking and support students as they share their thinking strategies
§  Demonstrate by …
-    Approaching ideas tentatively
-    Using questioning techniques
-    Promoting respect for different points of view
§  Question conclusions and encourage student to do likewise
-    Not only … What? Where? When?
-    But also … Why? What if? Why not?

3.    The classroom has an atmosphere of inquiry and openness
§  Students make predictions, gather info, organize it, and question conclusions
§  Teachers provide corrective advice rather than criticism and evaluation

4.    Students are supported, but also challenged to think independently
§  Pay attention to HOW students are thinking
§  Encourage students to investigate and communicate as they go

5.    The classroom arrangement allows students to work together
§  Focus should be on the students, not the teacher
§  Arrange desks in horseshoe or grouped clusters

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